Items where Division is "Teknik Sipil" and Year is 2021
Ambun, Ermitha and A.A, Bastian and Rangan, Parea and Ganti, Abraham (2021) Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Arang Kayu Dan Semen Sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Tanah Laterit Untuk Road Subbase. Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil.
Arrang, Abdias T and Rangan, Parea Rusan and Sendana, S and Mapaliey, Yulieanty (2021) Kuat Tekan Beton Menggunakan Material Tanah Mediteran Asal Dusun Kadinge Kuat Tekan Beton Menggunakan Material Tanah Mediteran Asal Dusun Kadinge. Dynamic Saint, 6 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 2355-4169
Caroles, Luky and Tumpu, Miswar and Rangan, Parea and Mansyur, Mansyur (2021) Marshall properties of LASBUTAG asphalt mixes with pertalite as a modifier. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Publishing, 871 (012064). pp. 1-7.
Caroles, Luky and Tumpu, Miswar and Rangan, Parea Rusan and Mansyur, Mansyur (2021) Marshall Properties of LASBUTAG Asphalt Mixes with Pertalite as a Modifier. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Mabui, DS and Tumpu, Miswar and Rangan, Parea (2021) Early Age Compressive Strength of Concrete Made With Mountain Sand, River Sand and Portland Composite Cement. Design Engineering, 2021 (9). ISSN 0011-9342
Matana, H and Rangan, Parea Rusan (2021) Perencanaan Gedung Berlantai Banyak Dengan Metode Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Dynamic Saint, 6 (1). ISSN 2722-5364
Palayukan, Resti O. and Rangan, Parea Rusan and Bokko, Jacob (2021) Perbandingan Metode Linier Greenshield Dengan Metode Logaritmik Greenberg Terhadap Penyempitan Jalan (Studi Kasus Jalan Poros Mappanyukki Rantepao Kab. Toraja Utara). Dynamic Saint, 6 (1). ISSN 2722-5364
Rangan, Parea (2021) Korespondensi Artikel : Utilization of Igneous Rock as Coarse Aggregate in Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixture, IOP. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1134. pp. 1-9.
Rangan, Parea and Ambun, Ermitha and Mapaliey, Yulieanty and Sunarno, Yohans (2021) Campus Parking II Characteristics Analysis at Toraja Christian University in Indonesia. UKITOICES. (In Press)
Rangan, Parea and Ambun, Ermitha and Matana, H and Manga, J (2021) Stabilisasi Tanah Dengan Menggunakan Calcium Hidroksida Ca(OH)2 dan Tawas AI2(SO4)3. Dynamic Saint, VI (2). pp. 22-34. ISSN 2355-4169
Rangan, Parea and Aprianti, Evi (2021) Alternative Study of Steel Structure Planning on Sayang Anak Maternity Hospital in Makale. The 5th EPI International Conference on Science and Engineering (EICSE), 5.
Rangan, Parea and Linggi, Marinus and Kalapadang, Escher and Lotim, Yohanis B. (2021) The Effect of Bamboo Stock Ash and Banana Stock Fiber Utilization on Soil Mechanical Properies. UKITOICES, 1. (In Press)
Rangan, Parea and Tumpu, Miswar (2021) Compressive strength of high-strength concrete with cornice adhesive as a partial replacement for cement. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 871 (2021) 012006 (871): 012006.
Rangan, Parea and Tumpu, Miswar (2021) Compressive strength of high-strength concrete with cornice adhesive as a partial replacement for Cement. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021 (871): 012006. pp. 1-8.
Rangan, Parea and Tumpu, Miswar (2021) Effect calcium hydroxide (traditionally called slaked lime) to stabilization of laterite soil. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1088 (012105). pp. 1-6.
Rangan, Parea and Tumpu, Miswar (2021) MARSHALL CHARACTERISTICS OF AC-WC MIXTURE WITH THE ADDITION OF ANTI-FLAKING ADDITIVES. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 16 (3). ISSN 1819-6608
Rangan, Parea Rusan and Tumpu, Miswar (2021) MARSHALL CHARACTERISTICS OF AC-WC MIXTURE WITH THE ADDITION OF ANTI-FLAKING ADDITIVES. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 16 (3). ISSN 1819-6608
Waldo, Erwanto and Rangan, Parea and Ambun, Ermitha (2021) Study of Improving Soil Using Permit, Corn Ash and Sodium Silicate. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 921 (012042). pp. 1-10. ISSN 921 (2021) No. 012042, tahun 2021
Book Section
Rangan, Parea Rusan (2021) Implementasi dan Implikasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia : Target dan Strategi. In: Implementasi dan Implikasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia : Target dan Strategi. 1 ed. Tohar Media, Makassar, pp. 1-150. ISBN 9786237485742
Mahyuddin, Mahyuddin and Rangan, Parea Rusan and Nur, K. Nur and Halim, H (2021) Perancangan Bandar Udara. 1 ed. Yayasan Kita Menulis. ISBN 978-623-342-177-5
Palayukan, Resti O. and Rangan, Parea Rusan and Bokko, Jacob and Miri, Gersony (2021) Similarity result : Perbandingan Metode Linear Greenshield dengan Metode Logaritmik Greenberg Terhadap Penyempitan Jalan (Studi Kasus Jalan Poros Mappayuki, Rantepao Kab.Toraja Utara). LPPM UKI Toraja, Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.
Rangan, Parea (2021) Korespondensi Artikel : Compressive strength of high-strength concrete with cornice adhesive as a partial replacement for Cement, IOP Conf.Series. IOP Publishing.
Rangan, Parea (2021) Korespondensi Artikel : The Effect of Bamboo Stock Ash and Banana Stock Fiber Utilization on Soil Mechanical Properties, UKITOICES 2021. Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja.
Rangan, Parea (2021) Korespondensi artikel : Effect calcium hydroxide (traditionally called slaked lime) to stabilization of laterite soil, IOP Conf. Series. IOP Publishing.
Rangan, Parea (2021) Korespondensi artikel: Marshall Characteristics Of Ac-Wc Mixture With The Addition Of Anti-Flaking Additives, ARPN. Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN).
Rangan, Parea and Tumpu, Miswar (2021) Similarity Result : Influence of Coconut Shell Ash and Lime Towards CBR Value and Subgrade Bearing Capacity. IOP Publishing.